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Alice is a third year English student at Bristol University, where she is also a Vice Chancellor’s Scholar for music. Alice studied at Chetham’s School of Music and has sung with Sheffield Cathedral, Clifton Cathedral and the Opera North Youth Chorus. She hopes to pursue singing at conservatoire after her undergrad degree. Alice keeps the choir in tune with her perfect pitch which she never mentions! And has almost always been conscious during BUME concerts.


MILLIE WHITTLE, Soprano, President

Millie is a final year music student at the University of Bristol. She is over the moon the be the president of MADS this year after having the most amazing time singing with the choir last year. This year Millie is conducting Bristol University Chamber Choir, which she feels very lucky to do and is excited to explore the choral conducting world. She is a scholar at Clifton Cathedral, a member of Bristol University Singers and a member of the National Youth Choir of Wales. Millie is very enthusiastic towards music and particularly choral music, and would love to pursue a career in this, in the future. She has been involved in music from a very young age, starting with piano lessons at the age of 3, violin lessons and 8 and singing lessons at 11. Millie was in Flintshire County Choir for 10 years which lead to going on tour around Italy and performing in the International Eisteddfod. She loves being involved in so much music making, it is so inclusive and helps you to meet so many amazing people and create incredible friendships and opportunities. MADS forever!!!!

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MEG REES, Soprano 

Meg is a second-year Music PhD student, having completed her Undergraduate and Masters Degrees in Bristol. Meg’s love of music began at an early age through competing at local Eisteddfod’s and starting piano and violin lesson’s at the age of 7. Meg is a former girl chorister at St Davids Cathedral where she fell in love with choral singing, so much so that cathedral choirs form part of her academic research. Meg is a former member of the National Youth Choir of Wales, former choral scholar at All Saints Clifton and alongside MADS, currently sings with the Bristol University Singers. Meg feels incredibly lucky to be president of a choir where lifelong friends are made through a shared love of choral music. When not singing or working on her dissertation you can find Meg boogieing to ABBA with a gin in hand!


AVA CARTER, Soprano 

Ava is currently a third-year biologist at the University of Bristol. This year she is not only a soprano 2 for MADS but is managing the university’s chamber choir. At home she sings with Southend Girls Choir which has taken her to sing in spaces such as St. Peter’s Basilica in The Vatican, The Royal Albert Hall for the BBC proms and the Australian Houses of Parliament. Singing in choirs since the age of 8 has made Ava extremely passionate about choral music and is excited to produce some excellent sound! As a soloist she has sung in London’s Royal Festival Hall and St. John Smith Square with the National Symphony Orchestra. Ava hopes to pursue a career in biological research after finishing her degree (and travelling for as long as possible). She is always up for a boogie, so please don’t message her after office hours or on weekends.

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Lillie is a first-year physics student who has been singing in choirs since 9 years old, and has sung solos in venues such as St John’s Smith Square in London and Keeble College of Oxford, as well as with Dulwich College sessions orchestra. Currently she is also enjoying singing with University Singers, but has always loved singing in smaller groups, having been a part of Alleynian Blues and her school’s madrigal choir. Also being a violinist and having achieved her ARSM singing diploma, she was lucky to go on amazing tours with her school as part of the choir and orchestra to Forli in Italy and Salamanca in Spain. She can’t wait to see what amazing opportunities this year will bring!

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Daisy is a second-year geography student at the University of Bristol. She grew up in Cheshire, where she sung in school choirs and played in her country orchestra. She has involved herself in music from a young age: first learning the violin age 7, picking up the piano & voice shortly after. Alongside MADS she sings with Bristol University Singers and formerly as a choral scholar at All Saint’s Church. Daisy also conducts the Bristol Minerva Choir. When she’s not singing you can find her walking or swimming somewhere remote (or in the pub!)

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Lucy is a 1st year Music with Innovation student from Bournemouth, and she loves to sing! She is a Mezzo-soprano but sings alto in choirs and has achieved her Singing ARSM. She likes to sing all sorts of music but particularly opera. Lucy also plays the flute, piccolo and piano and has a YouTube channel for music. She has performed in many concerts in both choirs and orchestras as well as solos, her favourite of which was singing Anyone Can Whistle in the Jazz Concert. Outside of music, Lucy also likes to bake and play hockey as well as walk her dog.

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Lizzie is a master's student at the University of Bristol. Singing since the age of eleven, she was a member of all her school choirs, performing in venues such as Cadogan Hall and St John's Smith Square. Having previously been a member of University Singers, Chamber Choir and MADS, she also sings in the Fitzhardinge Consort, who performed Handel’s Messiah at St George’s in March 2023, and will be performing Mozart’s Requiem at Bristol Cathedral in October 2023!



Eve Doyle is a 2nd year music student at the University of Bristol. Having started singing in primary school she now works as a Lay Clerk at Bristol Cathedral. She has sung with The National Youth Chamber Choir of Great Britain, Scottish Opera’s Young Company and recently sang in the debut performance of the ‘Lady Clerks’ at the Three Choirs Festival. In her spare time she also plays the Clarsach. Ensemble singing is a passion of Eve’s and she hopes to have a consort of her own one day.

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RAPHAEL GELDSETZER, Tenor, Vice President

Raphael is a first year translation masters student.  Alongside MADS he is a choral scholar at St Mary Redcliffe church, a member of the Fitzhardinge Consort and University Singers, and sings regularly with Bristol Cathedral Choir. In the past he has sung with the National Youth Chamber Choir, and in his younger days was a treble at Southwark Cathedral in London for 6 years. In the limited time where he is not singing you can usually find him either in the pub or on a train. He is very excited at the prospect of being Vice President this year!




Finn is in his 4th year at Bristol, studying Music with French. Whilst holding an ARSM diploma is testament to a school career spent singing classical music in a variety of contexts, this is only a snapshot of the broader musical journey that has shaped his artistic expression and proficiency. Singing has always occupied a particular place in his life, whether it be making music videos on YouTube as a child, leading the school choir, or performing in acapella groups and as a frontman in student bands. Variety is central to his practice and enjoyment of music, and singing is no different. Dissatisfied by the inflexible approach of other choirs, MADS was a perfect fit for him, offering him the musical freedom and collaborative spirit he had lacked elsewhere. He returns this year for his second term in the Tenor section.

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Theo is a first-year music student at Bristol after having taken a gap year, during which he worked as casual wait staff at Caius College and coached cricket for the MCC. He has sung in many choirs, starting when he was 6 years old, in his local church choir in Cambridge. Since then, he has also sung at OLEM Cambridge as a choral scholar, singing the Latin Mass on Sunday evenings, usually with just one singer to each part. Outside of singing, he also plays violin (although does not practice very often!) and enough piano to get by. He is very excited to sing with MADS, learning new repertoire with a small, talented ensemble.

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Tom is a first-year music student at the University of Bristol. He has previously sung with Ex Cathedra Academy and in 2023 he became the first male scholar of the National Children’s Choir of Great Britain with whom he is still a member (despite not being a child anymore). 

He was also a CBSO Youth Ambassador, working with the orchestra to plan and promote events with CBSO musicians and to help ensure orchestral music remains relevant and accessible to young people in Birmingham. Tom has many musical interests outside of choral singing as a jazz pianist, live sound engineer and music producer. 

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WILKIE HOARE, Bass, Treasurer

Originally from Kent, Wilkie is a second year maths student at the University of Bristol. He attended Tonbridge School with a music scholarship from age 13, having sung in the school’s Chapel Choir for 9 years. He was Head of School Music in the upper sixth, and has been lucky enough to sing on three choir tours, in venues including the Notre-Dame and St. Paul’s, London, where he took on the baritone solo from Ireland’s Greater Love. Wilkie is a bass-baritone with a DipABRSM in vocal performance and grade 8 in with a love for Baroque music. At Bristol, he also sings with the University Singers, Wills Chapel Choir and works as a choral scholar at Bristol Cathedral, depping also for the nearby Bath Abbey and Bath Camerata. Wilkie is very excited to be performing challenging repertoire with MADS and looks forward to this year.

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Patrick is a first-year medical student at the University of Bristol. Formerly the Head Chorister of the Trinity Boys Choir he has had the opportunity to sing in many amazing venues such as the Royal Albert Hall, the Royal Opera House and Abbey Road Studios alongside touring China, Poland, Germany, Italy, and France singing music ranging from Tudor masses and Russian opera to Benjamin Britten and film soundtracks. Patrick has also been fortunate to sing choral services in many cathedrals including Ely, Wells & York Minster. He also sings with University Singers and is a keen jazz trombonist and pianist. 

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Tom is currently a second year student studying Economics and Finance. He grew up in China where he learnt to play the violin and after moving to England he continued studying music at Guildhall in London. His favourite composer is Ravel, with his favourite works being Ravel’s Gaspard de la Nuit. Outside of music, Tom enjoys looking into anything tech-related and seeing any new inventions being released.

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LUCA HATWELL, Bass, Social Secretary

Luca is a second-year student studying history at Bristol. His singing career began at the Chapel Royal at Hampton Court Palace. He then became a chorister at Westminster Abbey for 5 years, leaving as Second Chorister, having sung at numerous royal and televised services, as well as touring the USA and singing for the Pope in the Vatican. During his time at the abbey, Luca performed as a soloist in numerous concerts, including Bach’s Passions, and Christmas Oratorio, and the Monteverdi Vespers. After leaving the Abbey, he attended St. John’s School Leatherhead with a music scholarship, singing in the chapel choir for five years. Alongside MADS, he currently sings at Clifton Cathedral and is a member of Bristol University Singers. He also enjoys playing the Guitar and Piano, and in his spare time, he can be found in the pub or at Lakota.

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